WhyShyIndia Twitter Campaign


  1. Brief and marketing challenges / objectives

itspleaZure decided to do something to promote sexual wellness and intimacy in couple relations put up a contest to encourage people to share their views and also to accelerate India’s sexual revolution. 
Despite knowing the importance of a healthy, loving, and sexually satisfying relationship, the industry that promotes love is yet to become mainstream and be treated like any other industry that endorses physical, mental, and emotional wellness. This is what safe, consensual, and healthy sex does, right?
Why Shy India campaign highlighted many such discussions to let people speak about their fantasies, their way of enjoying intimacy, their self pleasuring toys, and get open about just talking.

  1. Strategy

itspleaZure through this initiative on Twitter, conglomerated everything that Women Welfare NGOs, Sex Driven, social welfare institute for men and women try to bring out. “SPEAK UP, DON’T SHY, VOICE YOUR VOICE, etc” The hashtag #WhyShyIndia was born. 
Why shy from speaking for something that is a basic psychological and physical need. Why shy to speak on topics which are of importance in life and various aspects of life like marriage, relation, etc. Here the reinforcement was given to push people to play the contest but the motive behind the reinforcement was to pull out the dumped and suppressed voices of individuals and boost people’s confidence in speaking up for sexual wellness and sharing their sexual fantasies with us.

  1. Solutions / innovations / creative ideas

Simple to answer, the contest had been framed keeping all the aspects of sexual wellness and products in mind which would create curiosity and impel people to express their views. The campaign was run on Twitter and it indeed was huge success. People from all over took their step ahead to answer and boldly broke the stereotype thinking of the society.

  1. Execution

This campaign was very a big success because of the unique features it carried. They are:
1. #WhyShyIndia campaign’s main motive was to inspire and encourage people to speak up for sexual wellness and the importance of intimacy in one’s life.
2. It helped clean the stigma attached to sex and sexual needs of individuals. 
3. It brought into picture many ways of fulfilling one’s sexual needs and also highlighted how fulfilling to your partner’s sexual desires are of utmost importance. 
4. People had all the liberty to share their views and thoughts with respect to their privacy on social media and in person. 
5. itspleaZure came down to the psychology of the laymen to promote this campaign by asking questions which were very practical yet modest. 
6. The creatives used to promote this campaign too were very appealing which people just couldn’t resist viewing.

  1. Quantifiable Results

1.8 million reach, 3 Cr impression and 3000 users 
#WhyShyIndia started trending in India at 5:15 PM
#WhyShyIndia took no 3 position in trending list at 6:00 PM
#WhyShyIndia was trending for more than 6 hours.
#WhyShyIndia trended in major cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai.

  1. Post Campaign Analysis

Below is the graphical analysis of all questions

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